+31 174 62 34 40


+31 174 62 34 40


The challenges and opportunities of energy transition in greenhouse horticulture

The energy transition is a sea change that affects the entire greenhouse horticulture sector. Growers not only need to focus on crop growth, plant health and production, but also deal with complex energy issues.

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The challenges of the energy transition

The energy transition requires a different mindset and new strategies. From rising costs and stricter regulations to investments in sustainable alternatives - the pressure is immense. Growers face various challenges. HORCONEX understands these challenges and offers support in making future-proof choices.

Stricter regulations

The EU and local authorities are placing increasing emphasis on reducing CO₂ emissions and fossil fuel use. Each country within the EU has its own requirements and deadlines, making the issue even more complex.

High investment costs

Energy-saving measures and sustainable alternatives require substantial investments, often with long payback periods.

Operational complexity

Combining energy management with daily cultivation requires time, knowledge and a strategic approach.

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Want to learn more about our solutions, or do you need immediate custom advice?

Our specialists are ready to assist you!

+31 174 62 34 40


How HORCONEX helps

We guide growers through every step of the energy transition, with smart solutions that are practical, feasible and sustainable.

Custom advice

We analyse your energy needs and together look for the most suitable options, such as combined heat and power (CHP), an electric boiler or connection to a heating network.

Integration with existing systems

Our experts ensure that new energy solutions are integrated seamlessly with your current greenhouse infrastructure.

Long-term vision

We think beyond today and design systems that are ready for future challenges.

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